Black Plum

Location in BHU campus:Planted along the roadside as well as in many residential quarters.

Botanical name : Syzygiumcumini (L.) Skeels

Family : Myrtaceae

Vernacular / local Name : Bengali-Jam,Kalajam; Gujarati-Jambu,jamli; Hindi-Jam,jamun; Kannada-Nerale; Malayalam-Naval,perinnaral; Marathi-Jaman,jambul; Oriya-Jambo; Tamil-Naval, neredam, sambal, nagai; Telugu-Neredu

English names : Black plum,javaplum,jaman,jambolan

A large evergreen tree up to 30 feet high.Bark light grey with patches of dark grey.Leaves 8-18cm long,opposite ,elliptic, oblong or ovate,shiny,smooth,aromatic and gland-dotted.

Flowers 5-8 mm across,greenish white ,fragrant in terminal or axillary corymbose panicle.They are mildly scented .The petals remain united and fall off in one piece like a cap.Stamens numerous,long ,conspicuous

Fruit : Berry, 1.5 -2.5 cm long, ovoid, turning purplish black when ripe, pulpy. Each fruit contains one large seed.

Flowering: March-April

Fruiting : June-July

  • Sacred value
  • The tree is considered sacred and worshipped by Hindus and .It is venerated by Buddhists too. Jamun represents the god of clouds or Megha.The leaves are used as platters or panchpallavs and for pouring libations. For the Todas of Nilgiris the tree is sacred often grown near the temples and never cut. Leaves of this tree are strung into garlands and hung over the entrance doors of houses for perpetuity and continuity of stable marriage.The fruits are also offered in worship.The plant is associated with the constellation Rohini whose presiding deity is Brahma.

  • Uses
  • The leaves are fed to tassar silk worms. Fruits are edible. The fruits are also processed to jams, jellies, squashes, vinegar and alcohol. The seed is used in medicines for diabetes. Leaves and seeds are used as fodder.Timber is used in making agricultural implements,well-works,house building etc.Bark is used in tanning and dyeing.

Trees in Conservation

Trees in Medicine

Trees in Ceremonies

Trees that are worshipped

Trees in Astrology