Location in BHU campus :: Planted near Central library, Ayurvedic garden and inside MMV compound.
Botanical name : Artocarpus lakoocha Roxb. Syn A. lacucha Buch. Ham.
Family : Moraceae
Vernacular / local Name : Bengali - Dahu, dephal, dheu; Gujarati - Lakoocha; Hindi - Barhal; Kannada – Esuluhuli, vatehuli; Malayalam - Kattupilalvu; Marathi - Wotomba; Oriya - Jeuto; Sanskrit - Lakudi; Tamil - Irapala, ottipilu; Telugu - Kammaregu.
English / Trade names : Monkey Jack, Barhal.
A large tree up to 20 m high with a large spreading crown and clear straight bole of about 6-9 m height; bark with milky latex. Leaves elliptic ovate or oblong.coriaceous. Flower heads axillary;males globose,2-2.5 cm diameter; females irregularly subglobose. Fruit yellow, 6-10 cm diameter, sub-globose, smooth, irregularly lobed, fleshy.Achenes embedded in fleshy receptacle.
Flowering :December and April
Flowering :May-June & October-November
It is one of the plants mentioned in Ramayana while describing the famous Ashoka Vana and hence venerated.
Fruits are edible and used in chutneys. Wood is used for posts, beams, , rafters and for medium weight furniture and boat-building. Bark is eaten like betelnuts. Wood and fruits yield an yellow dye. Sour fruits are dried and used as a substitute for tamarind in cooking .